View the Website Templates

There are three USCG Auxiliary Template Models to choose from.  Read the description, preview a working model and check out the instructions for each one.  Click on one of the links below to examine a working template. These templates are for viewing only. Once you've decided which model to use, proceed to the download section and follow the directions.

Template .zip file Download Instructions

For your convenience each Template Model has been zipped up into one file to enable you to download the template easily. Right Click on the link below to download the zipped file. Select or Create a folder on your hard drive to download the zipped file to. Follow the next set of instructions to extract the files from the zipped folder.

Instructions to Extract the Template Model .zip file

Begin by locating the folder where the Template Model zipped file was saved then follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the zip file
  2. Chose Open With from the menu
  3. Chose Compressed (zipped) Folders
  4. On the left, under the heading Folder Tasks, select Extract all files
  5. Follow the Extraction Wizard
    1. Click the Next Button
    2. Browse to a location on your hard drive. This is typically the same location where your zipped file or files are found
    3. Press the Next button
    4. Press the Finish button when the extraction is complete
  6. Examine the folder to see all of the files present.
  7. Do not move any of the files from the folder. To move, move the whole folder that contains all the files

Opening the Website Template Model in your editor

These instructions are for Front Page 2003 or Expression Web 1,2 or 3.  If you are using a  different website editor then follow the instructions for your editor program.

Now that you've extracted the Template files you will want to open them in FrontPage or Expression Web. Follow the directions below to open the files successfully.

  1. Start FrontPage 2003/Expression Web
  2. Close all web pages that are open
  3. Chose File and Close Site
    1. If the option is not available then there is no site open. Continue...
  4. Now select Open Site from the File Menu
  5. Navigate to the location of the Extracted Template Folder
  6. There will be no file to select, just select the Open button when you have opened the right folder
  7. When the site opens, you will have the Web Site tab selected. Double click on the file labeled index.html
  8. Now make the changes you want. Follow the instructions on the index page for updating and creating buttons or making changes.

Click on the link of your selected Template Model above for more detailed information
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